About the Journal

Journal of Interest: Economics, Business and Accounting Review (JOIN) serves as a platform for the regular dissemination of scholarly publications pertaining to significant subjects within the fields of economics, business, and accounting.  The publication is attributed to PT Think Tank INTEREST, also recognized as the Institute for Economic Research and Training (INTEREST). The aforementioned publication has been published on a quarterly basis since the year 2023. The articles undergo evaluation by specialists through a Double Blind Peer Review process. The journal JOIN welcomes submissions of scholarly papers or research findings in the disciplines of Economics, Management, and Accounting that have not been previously published in other academic journals.

Copyright Notice

The submitting author warrants that the submission is original and that she/he is the author of the submission together with the named co-authors; to the extend the submission incorporates text passages, figures, data or other material from the work of others, the submitting author has obtained any necessary permission.

This journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, see the Public Knowledge Project, which has designed this system to improve the scholarly and public quality of research, and which freely distributes the journal system as well as other software to support the open access publishing of scholarly resources.

Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, see the Public Knowledge Project, which has designed this system to improve the scholarly and public quality of research, and which freely distributes the journal system as well as other software to support the open access publishing of scholarly resources. Journal of Interest: Economics, Business and Accounting Review is loyal to open access for academic work. All the original articles and review papers published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We don’t charge any fees for any reader to download articles.